Their spread is a sign of just how soft sales are this season for fashion retailers and how jaded consumers have become to regular markdowns.
The Visa shift speaks to the restlessness of large marketers as they seek to reach jaded, fickle consumers in a new media landscape.
Is the jaded consumer even more likely to stand by as marketers continue to fabricate falsehoods by the yard?
To justify its investment, Federated hopes to break into Southern California by offering jaded consumers a different way to shop.
Ms. Lerfel may be responding to a sense among increasingly jaded consumers that, wherever they go, they already know what they'll find.
Sure, pop culture has turned us all into jaded consumers of cheap thrills, connoisseurs of increasingly outré sensation.
The Miller shifts underscore how younger, creatively focused agencies are winning more assignments from giant marketers seeking to catch the attention of jaded consumers.
Even the most jaded consumers are willing to reward that kind of creativity with their attention.
For Béhar, it's the only way to distinguish a product in the eyes of today's jaded consumers, who, he says, are less likely to be swayed by looks alone.
These days, however, jaded consumers expect more boogie-woogie than the retail equivalent of a matinee for the blue-rinse set.