It also seems slightly critical of the characters but uses a fairly judicious balance.
It maintains a judicious balance of spiritual, intellectual, and emotional elements.
And to achieve those things requires a judicious balance between amicable cooperation, and robust negotiation, with our European partners.
To prevent the voice from being overpowered by the band, much of the craft of Gilmore's work lies in his judicious balance of voice and instruments.
Vorpatril waved a hand in a gesture of judicious balance.
In each of them the author strikes a judicious balance between formal analysis and social interpretation.
But a more judicious balance, not to mention a more helpful perspective, certainly isn't out of the question.
The contents of the show strike a judicious balance between the science of the genome and its applications.
There is a need for judicious balance of cover depth and crack width requirements.
Mr. Solomon strikes a judicious balance.