Dinner for two with wine can easily run to more than $150, but judicious choices can slice that almost in half.
This allows a judicious choice of bits that minimize the distortion, given the constraints on decoder storage.
But Mr. Serkin appears to have guarded against that in his judicious choices.
The only place we can short ourselves is fuel, but with a judicious choice of destination-" Without intending, she threw her glass.
The judicious choice of music for a worship service can set the mood and enhance the message, preparing the congregation for the desired experience.
Eggplant rampant with garlic was also a judicious choice, as was a Peking duck served with skill.
These side reactions can often be minimized by a judicious choice of reaction conditions.
The power to effect it had to be sought by a judicious choice of position.
Less judicious choices were the roast young chicken (with a pale, flabby skin) and roast pheasant.
By a judicious choice of the multiplier one can produce an equivalent fraction with more nines in the denominator.