Two jurors who had favored the death penalty spoke of their frustration today.
Encouraging the jurors to speak their minds, the judge said that "there is no such thing as a right answer or a wrong answer."
Because they are still to deliberate on the case, the jurors did not speak about their deliberations today.
One accusation is that a juror spoke to his minister about the case before the verdicts were reached.
The jurors spoke to reporters after they were dismissed.
One after another, the jurors spoke and, in different voices, it all added up to the same thing.
There is also considerable opposition to a law that would allow jurors to speak freely, but not to be paid for it.
There's a worry that jurors will speak to the press.
Both jurors spoke on the condition that they remain anonymous.
After the trial, jurors spoke about how they reached their decision against Mr. Gemelli.