My kitchen overlooks a 90-acre nature reserve.
We walked into this apartment, and it was just gorgeous - completely renovated, two bedrooms, a living room, dining room, great kitchen, and it overlooks a garden.
The interior is sleek, sparse and industrial, with a slate bar, an open kitchen and big windows overlooking the Old Burying Ground in the back.
The kitchen overlooked the greenhouse.
A small kitchen overlooks an overgrown backyard.
There's a fun open kitchen and the upstairs veranda seating overlooks the hubbub of the street below.
A modern kitchen and a deck overlooking the yard and the Shunuck have been added in recent years.
The kitchen overlooks perennial gardens in the side yard.
What must have been at one time the kitchen overlooked the muddy canal and its door was slightly ajar.
The kitchen overlooked a lovely garden bounded by a red-brick wall.