And being a knowledgeable consumer is important on line as well as off line.
Americans could certainly become more knowledgeable consumers of Chinese cuisine.
Gateway has been a leader in selling to knowledgeable consumers, who want the most powerful machines at reasonable prices.
Jack Hitt writes that "today's customers are knowledgeable consumers" and enter these mammoth stores knowing about the products they want to buy.
Patients since the 1980s have been encouraged to become participants in their own care and to become knowledgeable consumers of the services of medical care.
In general, novices as well as knowledgeable consumers become bored and fatigued by marathon sessions at which more than a dozen bottles require evaluation.
But, as exemplified by a recent tasting by a group of 16 knowledgeable consumers held as a preamble to an annual dinner, anything goes.
But finding the best rates and policies with all the changes now taking place can be a daunting challenge for even the most persistent and knowledgeable consumer.
Parents-to-be are taught to be knowledgeable consumers of birth services and to take responsibility in making informed decisions regarding procedures, attendants and the birthplace.
Superstores exploit the fact that today's customers, of all purchasing orientations and marketing niches, are knowledgeable consumers.