Even to be a part of the Cyclan was to be a part of a near-invisible empire which would, in time, dominate every known fragment of space.
It is one of the oldest known fragments of any gospel, or any codex.
The title is mentioned only in Pliny, and none of the known fragments of Soranus can be attributed to this large-scale work with certainty.
St. Margaret's Chapel contains the only known fragment of mediaeval stained glass in the cathedral, a roundel of the Madonna and Child.
The known fragments were transferred from a print owned by Jean A. Le Roy of New York City.
The two known upper fragments, brought to London in 1627 and presented to Oxford University in 1667, include entries for the years 1582/81-355/54 BC.
This article mentions only a small fraction of the known proteolytic fragments which alter EC behavior and function during angiogenesis.
The only known extant fragment was given by Beckett to Ruby Cohn.
Each known fragment of Elisa Izquierdo's story tells of a systemic problem.
Notable exhibits included a Blackstone oil engine and the only known fragment of the Stamford Eleanor Cross.