They have also said that a strong voice from the park board is needed in numerous land-use decisions all along the park.
But problems arise from the patchwork approach to growth in a region where hundreds of local communities control land-use decisions.
The panel is also expected to urge municipalities to follow the state's master development plan when making land-use decisions.
Soon the economy began to change as government and business elites were the main people affecting land-use decisions.
This is because many land-use decisions are made at the local level.
Also, most land-use decisions are made by local officials.
But some opponents contend that all land-use decisions should be made by elected officials, in this case the Council.
It has an advisory board that advises the government on land-use decisions.
All of those things can be traced back to poor land-use decisions.
Consider the circuitous path that a land-use decision will take under the new charter.