One expert in land-use rules said compromises are not common but do take place around the state.
It just goes to show you how dramatically land-use rules have changed.
Over the past three decades, Oregon has earned a reputation for having the most restrictive land-use rules in the nation.
If, instead, the government grants exemptions to land-use rules, many property owners might want to sell for the ready profit.
But they set a threshold, for instance a 25 percent reduction in a property's value, and will pay only for losses caused by new land-use rules.
Values rose even more in the few communities within the city limits that are incorporated villages with their own land-use rules.
Then too, caves are relatively free from Napa Valley's stringent land-use rules.
Are religious institutions - whose buildings are often among the most beautiful and historic in a community - bound by the same land-use rules as others?
Bridgeport contends that Stratford does not acknowledge the presence of the airport when drafting land-use rules.