I think that the promotion of baseball overseas is a laudable ambition because it is something worth sharing.
In others, that would be a laudable ambition.
Together these risk crowding out the laudable ambitions for nature in this white paper.
"Pa" is possessed of the laudable ambition of providing his daughters with wealthy husbands.
You can encourage such laudable ambition without mixing politics into it - but which will nevertheless redound to your political advantage!
These are, of course, laudable ambitions; but is another substantial piece of legislation necessary to help fulfil them?
Google+ is not a product like Buzz or Wave where the company's leaders can chalk off a failure to laudable ambition and then move on.
Financing extra art, music or computers partly reflects laudable parental ambition for enriched children's experiences.
That is a perfectly laudable ambition, and I am quite sure you will succeed.
That is a laudable and necessary ambition.