His laudable purpose was to block a multibillion-dollar giveaway to broadcasters.
To their lawyer, it is a lawless prosecution, however laudable the underlying purposes.
These laws, while serving laudable purposes, require modifications to remove unnecessary impediments to public-private agreements.
Thus they objected to any fixed charge, even for laudable purposes, which no subscriber (regardless of how poor or diligent) can reduce by their own action.
"But consensus that a particular law-enforcement technique serves a laudable purpose has never been the touchstone of constitutional analysis," he said.
In addition to its laudable purpose, the cookbook succeeds on its own, providing an astounding variety of dishes.
It was the first time that 40 Latin pop and christian gospel music celebrities joined for a laudable purpose, the eradication of child abuse.
With this laudable purpose in loud ability let us be singulfied.
It may be used for laudable purposes but may unfortunately also be exploited for criminal activities.
The Court's laudable purpose was to aid the prosecution of child molestation cases.