He included the unions'laudatory comments last week on a press release announcing USAir's aircraft order.
Such laudatory comments are the rule, not the exception, when people talk about Ms. Kenigsberg.
Vincent, playing down the laudatory comments, said he has done nothing unusual.
The film received laudatory comments in the press, and the film was mildly successful.
Shocked by the reaction of the media towards her, because of the expectations and after laudatory comments about her, he questions the system.
As a result, repeated assurances from Lodge and Johnson's laudatory comments in private and public convinced them that they remained on firm ground.
Recall also the laudatory comments on Reagan's dedication to human rights during the propaganda exercises at the Summits, already discussed.
The book has received laudatory comments from prominent Hindu academics and leaders in the United States and India.
Liner notes for the second release included laudatory comments from Brian Eno.
The quotes cited below are only a few of many laudatory comments.