In April 2011, Shaw announced that it would not be launching a wireless (i.e. cellular) network until 2012.
LightSquared has been working on launching a new nationwide satellite/terrestrial network since roughly a year ago.
Google launched a new social network, Google+, earlier this year, to rival Facebook.
Speculation abounded that Hughes would add non-sports programs to the line-up, launching a fourth network.
All indicators suggested that Paramount was about to launch a network of its own.
Stratmann-Mertens announced he would launch a new national network for other peace activists who also wanted to leave the Greens.
This equity could be used to launch a mobile network.
Last year, we launched a new network, and we're going to refine it in 1989.
YankeesNets also spoke to other cable companies, including Time Warner, about launching a new network with them.
"Is it fair that the industry pay tax dollars to the city that are then used to launch a network that would compete with our own?"