Varietal names, they warn, will lead consumers to expect the same taste from wines, regardless of where they are made.
But, the added hype over holiday shopping hasn't led consumers to do so in recent years.
This practice, now ended, led consumers inevitably to conclude that those who ordered had a better chance to win than those who did not.
Unusually cool summer weather led consumers to cut spending on food, travel, clothing and air-conditioners, forcing some companies to scale back their profit forecasts.
The concerns about endocrine disruptors have led consumers and companies to search for paraben free alternatives.
Consumer spending is a far larger part of the economy than Government spending, and building roads and sewers has not led consumers to spend more.
The link leads consumers to a chart explaining shipping and handling fees.
The surge in home recording has led consumers to the discovery of portable recording rooms, or vocal booth companies.
I therefore agree with the provisions leading producers and consumers to take more responsibility for the proper disposal of such equipment.
But remaining true to core values could lead younger consumers to perceive a brand as out of date and out of touch.