This has led to clear battle lines in the community, and even a chicken safe house.
This led to outrage in the Coptic community who felt that these suspects should be in custody.
Its cost (approximately $200,000) led many in the community to criticize Davis for his free spending during the Great Depression.
The closure of the coronary care unit led to a paramedic-led thrombolysis service in the community.
Oil led to an increase in jobs in the community and a subsequent post-war population surge.
This led to much controversy in the archaeological community.
Early emphasis was on teacher-training schools and this led to a glut of teachers in the community.
This led to ongoing discussions in the legal community about the wording, the interpretation and also about a reform of the law.
This led to a small but steady production of oil in the community.
These changes led to bitter decade-long disputes in the monastic community of Valaam.