Toufic had been assigned an unexpected driving job, and, of course, he could not leave Switters alone in his home with his wife.
So Geera was the only child left in Oola-boola-woo's home on the mountain top.
- Stephen, left alone in her home, sees the room thronged with inverts, living, dead and unborn.
Jeremy Diaz was the first to leave due to legal troubles in his home of Fort Worth.
He wanted the betrothal, but leaving Manchester alone in his home after all that had happened was not a prospect he liked either.
Do not bring anyone unless you would leave that person alone in your home.
"I have nothing left in my home that reminds me of my husband," she said, "not even a photograph."
They had allowed me to leave the hospital so that I could spend what time I had left in my own home.
"Does her absence leave you alone in your home, Sorel?"
She is fine when left in our home on her own, or even tethered inside the caravan awning.