The former González home in Miami has similarly been turned into a museum, with the boy's bedroom left unaltered.
The interior, with two tiers of galleries supported on iron columns, was left unaltered.
The boundaries were left unaltered, until the end of the borough constituency in 1885.
Barraquer also investigated how much of the cornea had to be left unaltered in order to provide stable long-term results.
Not that any of us will be around, but, assuming solar time were left unaltered, eventually day would become night and vice versa.
There were changes at every level-environmental, cultural, economic, social, psychological; conventional development leaves nothing unaltered.
The rock is altered by water to smectite and kaolinite with quartz being left unaltered.
We have made some worthwhile improvements, but the fundamentals of what you proposed have been left unaltered.
Thralls and vampires can pass for humans in many cases, provided their appearances have been left unaltered.