The wages received by this great hive of employees are placed at the liberal figure meet and just for skilled and competent labor.
The show features both liberal and conservative Israeli public figures as guests, and dealt with controversial topics.
But other analysts are leaning toward the more liberal figures.
The state was able to survive through the Reform War with minimal damage due to the large number of liberal political figures.
Lassen portrayed Wergeland as a wordsmith first and foremost, not as a liberal political figure.
In his time Friedrich Jahn was seen by both his supporters and opponents as a liberal figure.
Isaiah Berlin characterized her as "a progressive, liberal figure who was mixed up with a lot of naive left-wing sympathizers."
The declaration also received praise from liberal figures such as Alan Paton.
Senator Pell himself is one of the more liberal figures in Congress, but even his friends say he seems incapable of dropping certain social distinctions.
"Firing Line" became a necessary stop for the leading liberal figures of the era.