"And I disapprove of that, too," Ria said, her tone lightening slightly.
The sky lightened slightly, but no more shells dropped, and the harbor waters darkened with the silt from the collapsed bluff.
The voice seemed to lighten slightly.
The glaze of dullness that stiffened Yevgeni's expression lightened slightly.
Exposure to strong sunlight, as with most black cats, can cause black Chausies to lighten slightly and appear brownish.
This shark is plain brown, lightening slightly on the underside; the interior of the mouth is dark.
The other's face lightened slightly and then went sad.
If the stain is dirt or similar discoloration it will lighten slightly, if at all.
The air lightened slightly as the hidden sun lifted above the horizon.
The elevator answered, but he was already gone, the door closing, and then she was descending, her bag seeming to lighten slightly in her arms.