Naomi said nothing in response, but she reached out and lightly grazed the back of Green Eyes' hand.
His task completed, he stepped to the filled shelves and let his fingers graze lightly over the volumes there.
The pad of his thumb lightly grazed the tip of one nipple.
Coming to stand behind her, he lightly grazed a hand over the right cheek of her butt.
Brian let his teeth graze lightly before he released Keeley.
Still asleep, she stretched and, as she did, one hand lightly grazed his thigh.
Concentrate livestock in small paddocks for days at a time so they graze lightly but evenly.
I lightly grazed his fingers with my own.
On the first shot, Marshall missed and Clay lightly grazed Marshall's stomach.
Her teeth grazed lightly over his skin, sparking desire.