The belly is unstreaked or only lightly streaked, and the tail is pale.
The throat is lightly streaked in dark brown.
She was an imposing figure, tall and stout with dark hair only lightly streaked with silver.
Its shoulders are more lightly streaked with black bars.
His long, never-trimmed hair and beard twisted up into a top-knot on his head were lightly streaked with grey.
Her long hair, lightly streaked with gray and caught in a jeweled silver net, framed a square, determined face.
In winter the head is only lightly streaked with brown but there is heavier streaking on the hindneck.
Thenitarana had long masses of brown hair, lightly streaked with silver, and pale blue eyes.
Females and immatures have lightly streaked buffy underparts, dark crowns, brown wings with less obvious white lesser coverts, and a light-colored face.
In the latter case, the sputum is normally lightly streaked with blood.