All furniture, wall coverings, eating implements and so forth were brought specifically for each hunting trip, a major logistical exercise.
The logistical military exercise will take place starting Sunday in Hampshire and Suffolk counties and offshore, and is to last until Oct. 12.
"Putting bands together is just a logistical exercise," said Ted Gardner, a co-producer of the festival.
For India, holding the election was a vast logistical exercise.
Because the fragile state of the picture prevented it from being rolled, moving the painting from the High Court to Parliament House was a major logistical exercise.
"It's a tremendous logistical exercise," Police Commissioner Howard Safir said.
Far from relaxing, tens of thousands of Australians are sweating every detail of what they describe as the greatest peacetime logistical exercise in history.
In a daunting logistical exercise, they are transported by plane, train, barge and truck to this vast assembly hall in southwestern France.
However, because these are usually huge logistical exercises, countries normally conduct censuses only once every five to 10 years.
It is a significant success with 700 in attendance and poses a logistical exercise for organisers who were originally expecting between 50 and 100.