In the study, optic nerve of Necturus was dissected to document the long-distance movement of potassium after the nerve stimulation.
They may be attached to bird migration birds (geese, swans, cranes, penguins etc.) or other species such as penguins that undertake long-distance movements.
Recording light levels over time produces data that can be used to calculate latitude and longitude readings of a bird's long-distance movements.
The grey-headed flying fox is a partial migrant that uses winds to facilitate long-distance movement.
Animal migration is the relatively long-distance movement of individuals, usually on a seasonal basis.
Juveniles and immature individuals may migrate far or embark on long-distance movements.
This species is not known to make long-distance movements, though some local seasonal movements are possible.
This shark seldom undertakes long-distance movements.
Emus in Australia have been observed to undertake long-distance movements on foot during droughts.
Multimodal transport driven container logistics operations typically utilise ocean-going vessels for long-distance movements, with inland movements undertaken by barge, rail or truck.