The Countess hitched around in her chair and looked bemusedly at him.
He looked bemusedly at the flimsy his signals officer handed him for just a moment, then turned to his chief of staff.
Brian looked bemusedly at the rack of electronic equip-ment with the invisible and very humanlike brain inside.
They all looked at each other bemusedly.
Rohder looks bemusedly at the shelf of books.
Teddy looked at them all bemusedly but followed when Zach and Josh slid back down the hill.
Xy looked bemusedly at Kebron, as if to make sure that they were both hearing the same thing.
But now, retired from the literary wars and looking back bemusedly, nothing can surpass the thrill of that first best seller.
The creature stopped and looked at him bemusedly, and he looked at it.
Savage looked at the metal claw at the end of his right arm bemusedly.