Even the patches of yellow rapeseed on the far hillsides looked jaundiced.
The stage, almost from beginning to end, is bathed in yellow light that does nothing more than make the actors look severely jaundiced.
His face, by the dim light of the oil lamp, looked jaundiced with fear.
He looked slightly jaundiced but ready to do battle with a disobedient wife.
In the yellow light flaring from the squat brick building's undersides, his face looked jaundiced and somehow diseased.
This editorial looks a trifle jaundiced, out to get Mr Assad rather than address the issues.
Lacey was looking rather jaundiced herself, but Suzanne decided to do something about it.
Suzanne said, though she looked somewhat jaundiced.
No matter how carefully they are treated, children with the syndrome often look jaundiced.
They had been tanned - but now looked jaundiced.