Samir tried to maintain speed, peeking occasionally over the low gunwale at the riverbank to their right.
An open firebox lit the fishing boat's simple lines: the low gunwales, single oarlock, seining pole at the stern.
Her companion reared out of the water and thrust himself over the low gunwale.
The lower gunwale raised.
Guthmund'sSeamew , already loaded, rocked easily in the water twenty yards out, a row of faces looking over the low gunwale.
Then another rope, for Proteus, and he only had to catch hold to be pulled in and over the low gunwale.
There was a long boat with a curved prow and knight's head, low gunwales, and rudderless stem pulled up upon the banks.
Those boats were built with hard chines and low gunwales to provide a stable platform from which to clam from.
In heavy seas the open bow and lower gunwales may cause the boat to take on more water into the bilge.
Ruthless hands seized the dead boy heartlessly and raised him to the low gunwale.