It also regularly publishes magazine supplements on special occasions.
When I found Cindy, she was hauling down bundled old issues of the magazine supplement in large plastic bins.
Carbó also drew for a children's magazine supplement.
Starting in February 2008, the newspaper added a magazine supplement called Open Air, appearing several times a year.
No extra subjects, books, magazine supplement or other information which is not on the required curriculum of the school may be taught.
Jones has a weekly column in the magazine supplement of the Mail on Sunday.
(In 1946, that section was expanded to a full-fledged magazine supplement.)
He also created Parade as a weekly magazine supplement for his own paper and for others in the United States.
Project: To create an 8-page magazine supplement to showcase Silkygirl's brand personality.
She was editor of The Star Mother, a glossy magazine supplement to the newspaper.