Statistics show that the main consumers of the cocaine live in the United States.
The privatization of public services affects the public and especially the poor population, which are the main consumers.
Bernat felt that at that time, sweets were not designed with the main consumers - children - in mind.
Japan, the main consumer of thunnus thynnus, in addition to the developing countries, was strongly opposed to the ban.
In some quarters, the perception exists that fashion's main consumers, women, are more comfortable taking advice about how they should look from a man.
No less than today, women were the main consumers of romantic fiction.
After brewing, the ale was stored until the summer when the main consumers would be the seasonal workers ("les saisonniers").
Life sciences, primarily pharmaceutical, agrochemical and food & feed industries are the main consumers of fine chemicals.
Mobile phone handset manufacturers have, in recent years, been the main consumer of rubber keypads worldwide.
The surrounding Hollywood neighborhood had fallen into such miserable disrepair that its main consumers were people seeking drugs or tattoos.