Cleaning and maintenance machinery, sensing the absence of people, emerged from resting phase and went to work.
The ship crew quarters and maintenance machinery were housed within the artificial peak.
With its maintenance machinery thereby turned on high, each worm cell lives far longer - and so does the worm.
All the worlds of Known Space, with their maintenance machinery more or less preserved, will be open to the tnuctipun.
The old iron grates have been reset in York stone walkways, which are wider than before to accommodate maintenance machinery.
They'd seen little sign of maintenance machinery along this route so far, and it had certainly been a very long time since a crew had been by.
Gentle waves, gentle traffic, or maintenance machinery at work throughout the town?
Sichuan Tengzhong is a privately owned company known for making a wide range of road equipment, such as bridge piers, highway construction and maintenance machinery.
Once he clears the fort, once he sets up his maintenance machinery, he can keep things running.
They heard distant humming sounds somewhere in the floors above, but all that was visible on the lower level seemed to be maintenance machinery.