Barrow also noted that Barclay historians fail to mention that this line had not been a Barclay in the male descent since the end of the twelfth century.
The Trafford family has maintained an unbroken line of male descent for more than 1000 years.
Recent DNA analysis have revealed that Y chromosomes, tracing male descent, are 87% Scandinavian.
Some Romanov princes would thus also be dynasts, in which case the male descent would not be totally extinct.
Still, you are in the direct line of male descent A laran gjft does skip a generation now and then.
It became possible to use Y chromosome DNA to study male descent.
The lands remained in the family by direct male descent for eight generations.
When a person says, "I am Kashypasa-gotra", he means that he traces his descent from the ancient sage Kashyapa by unbroken male descent.
However, following only the line of male descent, the ancestor in question was this person.
It was understood that if there were no son the nearest male kinsman of male descent from Elros Tar-Minyatur would be the Heir.