When I am in my malicious humors I must tease something.
She gave him a bleak smile, then added with a touch of malicious humour: "Don't look so stern, you'll be dreaming them too, soon."
The descriptive facility characteristic of Unsworth's later work is already evident here, though shot through with malicious humor.
He put an edge of malicious humor into his voice as an anodyne against their worries.
Abruptly she caught a glint of malicious humor from his eyes.
An expression of malicious humor crept into his face, making the mouth curve more cruelly.
There was an almost malicious humour in Baranovich's blue eyes.
For a while the shaman stared at the bones - then he looked up, his dark slanted eyes burning with malicious humour.
There was no humor, malicious or otherwise, in this interrogation.
The woman turned to Roger and said, with just a hint of malicious humor in her curiosity: "Now you're going to pass out, yeah?"