A mass of Cochrane's men were swarming toward the frigate's stern.
Then the first rockets soared into the night sky, and the masses of Dervish swarmed like columns of ants in the weird greenish light.
When she finally burst to the surface, she saw that the mass of insects was gradually swarming across the river, out of the Great Druid's grove.
Moreover, the mass of investigators swarming around the case face enormous hurdles unraveling the traffic through the Benex accounts and proving that sources of the funds were tainted.
A whole mass of the volunteers was swarming forward to the attack, three thousand or more, the Emperor riding with them.
And even as it tipped, the mass of screaming men swarmed onto it and forced it over.
Not long after the victory, however, the masses swarmed into at least one block underneath the 30th Avenue subway station, filling it with flags, ouzo and the sound of drums.
Enormous blurred masses swarmed into view and out again.
He sprang upwards, grabbed the lip of the pit and pulled himself clear, just as the mass of skaven swarmed forward over the steam-tank.