Compare that likelihood with the chance that a massive asteroid will slam into the earth in 2071.
A massive asteroid called "Vulcan's Hammer" causes an extinction event on Earth.
Once again, it was the view from space, this time following a massive asteroid on its flight toward Earth.
It is one of the ten most massive asteroids.
And then came a massive asteroid many miles across.
Then the image on the viewer cleared, and all the captain could see was a single, massive asteroid filling the screen.
Though one of the most massive asteroids, Juno has only 3% the mass of Ceres.
Char's plan involved a series of massive asteroid drops against the Earth, ultimately leading to an eternal nuclear winter, rendering the planet uninhabitable.
It's been discovered that this was when a massive asteroid hit the Earth near Mexico.
Behind him, like a tiny spacecraft eclipsed by a massive asteroid, was Pops Tucker.