Answer: The maximum daily dose of ibuprofen is 3,200 mg.
It was clearly labelled that 10 mg was the maximum daily dose.
Answer: The maximum daily dose in a 24-hour time period for an adult is 4,000 mg.
All of the nonprescription medications used for these conditions come with warnings about side effects, maximum doses and possible drug interactions.
See also maximum daily dose in Side Effects section.
The maximum daily dose should not exceed 12 tablets.
The maximum daily dose is 23 mg once daily.
During a gout attack, your doctor will prescribe a maximum daily dose of one or more medicines used for short-term treatment to stop the attack.
Doses may be increased at intervals not less than 1 to 2 weeks, up to a maximum daily dose of 45 mg.
Have severe heart failure symptoms despite maximum doses of all standard drugs.