Believe it or not, I actually enjoy rinsing out mayonnaise jars and cat food cans.
I put the mayonnaise jar in the refrigerator and tried to sneak out of the kitchen but I didn't make it.
But the upshot was simple: the stuff in the mayonnaise jar.
He got a paper route and cleaned out a mayonnaise jar to save his money.
A mayonnaise jar jutted from one side of the engine.
Some people do well with big mayonnaise jars set over the ground, so experiment.
Two old mayonnaise jars containing brushes were arranged on the table.
He advises students to take an empty mayonnaise jar and put a bumblebee inside.
Yet despite the early reports of "testers" with mayonnaise jars, many state officials say they now receive very few complaints from consumers.
Some spies just wanted the mayonnaise jar full of one-hundred-dollar bills.