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The Wolfes have their own med bay in the factory.
I hear you've been running experiments in the ship's med bay again," said Finn. "
Toby hurried in, carrying a small autodoc disc from the ship's med bay.
They have prepared a room for the children in case of the situation like that; the Med bay was one of the safest places on board.
As he entered the Med bay he noticed Jacobs resting comfortably off to the left.
The few surviving marines were sleeping off sedation down in the med bay, recovering from shock and battle fatigue and exposure to the alien city.
If Shepard accepts, she will get drunk and lament on departed Alliance soldiers before passing out on one of the beds in the med bay.
He is last seen recovering at S.T.A.R. Labs after Shazam rushed him too the med bay after the power ring crisis was handled.
The ship did have a med bay, but Halloweenie knew he wasn't strong enough to drag the esper such a long way, even if they could avoid being noticed by the patchwork toys.
Weeks later, Rasa's still recovering in a Cerberus med bay when Miranda approaches her and tells her that her new assignment is to compile dossiers on potential new team members for Commander Shepard, which Rasa begrudgingly does.
Whenever I wasn't in training, I was in Med Bay, with doctors and machines looking in my ears and nose, down my throat, under my arms, and in places I'd be embarrassed to talk about, even to the doctors who were looking.