"baying" in Polish — inglés-Polish dictionary | Mirar "baying" in inglés


  1. ujadanie (psa)
the image to "bay" in Polish San Francisco Bay, San Pablo Bay, ... Geological summary of Alum Bay ...
  1. zatoka [COUNTABLE]
    Have you ever seen the San Francisco Bay?
    He sailed around the bay.
    link synonym: gulf
  2. zatoczka (np. w której rozładowuje się towary), wnęka [COUNTABLE]
    We can park the car in this bay.
    He wanted to park in the bay but it was already taken.
  3. kieszeń, wnęka (np. miejsce na dysk w komputerze)
    He put the CD into the bay of the playback and pressed play.
    The lion hid in the bay of the cave.
  4. ujadanie, wycie
    Wolves' bay was heard all night.
    The dog's bay was impossible.
  5. przęsło, wykusz technical
    She designed a bay here.
  1. ujadać, wyć (o psie)
    Dogs that bay all the time should wear muzzles.
    My dog bays when someone passes our house.
  1. gniady (koń)