Though the elder children felt the effects of the emotional and mental turmoil, young Paul appeared to be unscathed by it.
My mental turmoil and anguish was too great for my mind to bear.
Even finding herself alone in the corridor, she could still feel the mental turmoil of the crew assaulting her senses.
Such was the shock that I walked off the site in a state of mental turmoil after all the farewells at the season's end.
Nothing says mental turmoil more than wielding scissors at your own head.
Now, gripped by a strange mental turmoil, Clyde turned about.
In my mental turmoil I saw myself for the first time in the hands of the law.
The anonymity provided an unexpected solace from her mental turmoil.
You can sense from these contradictory feelings that Raskolnikov is in mental and emotional turmoil.
His eyes were closed and his hair sticking up in all directions, sure sign of mental turmoil at some point.