If he had no way of knowing, as it were, whether he was asleep or awake... And the child, Carolyn-was she a mere hallucination?
She'd come back with mere hallucinations.
And foes like the Penguin and Joker will be seen as mere alcoholic hallucinations.
Beaupere, as we saw, conceived that her experiences were mere subjective hallucinations, caused by fasting, by the sound of church-bells, and so on.
This isn't the kind of thing you'd expect to remember from a mere hallucination.
So why should I give away lumber I paid good money for to somebody who's a mere hallucination, maybe?
Some conspiracy theorists that DMT is illegal precisely because these experiences are not mere hallucinations!
He had, no doubt, been under the dominion of a mere hallucination.
Nor was it a mere hallucination; I had not had a drink in many hours, or a toke in several days.
Or is the ghost, as some critics have claimed, a mere hallucination, existing only in the minds of the characters?