However, you do not make the same misguided assumption in your own case.
Some of the misguided assumptions about the best way to organize the office: * Title and organizational status should determine the location, size and furnishings of an office.
I could go on all night listing my misguided assumptions in this marriage.
You state that the drafters of two proposed religious amendments to the Constitution are working from a misguided assumption that "government invidiously discriminates against religion."
Thus in 1980 he attacked Iran under the misguided assumption that the new Islamic Republic was so unpopular that it would collapse after one good shove.
The confusion can be ascribed to the name's uniqueness, and to the misguided assumption that cu is the same as the extremely common suffix for Romanian family names.
Not only, apparently, was it based on a misguided assumption about the nature of human action, but it also stands accused of paving the way for nefarious political ideologies!
Both also proceed from the same misguided assumption, that government invidiously discriminates against religion.
"It might have been true in the 60's and 70's, but it has become an increasingly misguided assumption."