"Always have I been followed by doubts, by fears that my actions were not truly in the spirit of God but only in my own misguided interpretation of that spirit."
Wayne Batchis, Professor at the University of Delaware, in contrast, argues that the Citizens United decision represents a misguided interpretation of the non-textual freedom of association.
Although most of the actors seem diminished by the misguided interpretation, Nicholas Pennell delivers a persuasive performance as Ulysses.
On July 7, the radio organization issued a press release to "flatly refute the misguided interpretations that were widely distributed by the Television Bureau of Advertising."
In a government publication, transnational terrorism in particular is identified as a threat to Australia, driven by a misguided interpretation of Islam.
Bairoch argued that such beliefs are based on insufficient knowledge and misguided interpretations of the economic history of the United States, Europe and the Third World.
Too much was expected because that opening performance gave the impression that this "Ring" was going to have a coherent if misguided interpretation.
However, these mediocre tunes were only some songwriting hack's misguided interpretation of what country-and-western music was like.
"Faced with the increasing secularism of today's world," he told Archbishop Williams, "the church must ensure that the deposit of faith is proclaimed in its integrity and preserved from erroneous and misguided interpretations."
While the church members may not have had any malicious intent, their misguided interpretation of their religion's teachings to manipulate Wright's mother ultimately resulted in her death.