The group has been criticised for its tactics, including allegedly misleading consumers with "phoney" price cuts.
In a letter last fall, regulators said that the company was misleading consumers by overstating its approved use.
But there are those who would seek to profit by selling an inferior product, misleading consumers into thinking it is the real thing.
There is a growing concern among these professionals that hypnotists are misleading consumers.
Otherwise, we shall end up tinkering with individual technical aspects which do nothing for public health and misleading consumers in the process.
That has to be a cause for concern in terms of misleading consumers.
The internal market is not a licence for misleading consumers.
We must not allow the foods in question to be open to misleading consumers.
It has therefore never been a question of misleading consumers who have, by all accounts, been better informed.
Businesses must avoid misleading consumers about the advantages related to the brand of goods.