I stopped for an earned rest, face down in moist grass.
After the adults make a complete nuisance of themselves feeding, they mate, then the female lays eggs in moist grass.
They headed toward the kids, wading through the moist grass on the rich earth.
Reflections from the lights of the surrounding town shimmered off the moist grass.
A natural pitch with grass longer or more moist than usual is described as a green pitch.
Down into the moist grass he went to walk where the oracle had once sat, in this the ruin of the god's house.
She sputtered some more, until a hand reached out and touched soft, moist grass.
I got up on my feet and sneaked across the soft, moist grass.
Of the hundred or so in the meadow, only about half now lay in moist grass.
The moist grass shimmered, and gave off a faint, fragrant steam as the sun reached it.