It prefers moist locations such as stream banks.
Egg-laying occurs slightly more than a month after mating, with 12-24 eggs deposited into a warm, moist, hidden location.
M. veitchiana prefers a cool, moist location but, like most orchids, requires good light to flower consistently.
Some inland locations are included; these are located in moist locations, often near waterfalls.
Oak forests are also at higher elevations around moist locations.
The selection includes wild flowers that thrive in moist, shady locations or in sunny, dry spots.
It is a calcifuge, suitable for cultivation in a shady, moist location in acid soil.
It prefers a cool and moist location, otherwise it rapidly goes to seed (also known as bolting).
Grows in moist locations, tree to 26m.
This palm prefers a sunny, well drained, and moist location.