Moments later, while the communit demanded an explanation from Killashandra or from anyone who could make himself heard over the bedlam in the reception area, a nova blossomed in the sky and rained molten fragments on the spaceport below.
The Balrog fell back and its sword flew up in molten fragments.
With a thundering concussion, the iron gates were blasted into a flaming gout of molten fragments and fused cinder--leaving gaping holes in the cracked walls.
The corroded hull of the ancientBurton became cherry red, then yellow, brightening to a dazzling white as it plummeted into the star's chromosphere... finally breaking into molten fragments.
The speaker exploded off the wall and several men ducked the molten fragments.
The physical contest between Gandalf and the Balrog is differently con- ceived: Gandalf's staff breaks at the moment when the Balrog's sword shivers into molten fragments in the 'sheet of white flame', and though the whip catches Gandalf round his knees it is not the cause of his fall.
He brushed molten fragments from his charred coat.
Suevite is thought to form in and around impact craters by the sintering of molten fragments together with unmelted clasts of the country rock.
Four balls of white fire exploded around the machine guns, smashing them into a shower of molten fragments.