During the subsequent operations at the siege of Cyzicus, he is mentioned as giving the king the most judicious advice.
Shi'a also regarded Ali to be the most judicious of the Companions.
Rule 23 was approved to permit the most judicious and effective handling of the questions presented to the Senate.
The trick is to deploy cool-smoked food in the most judicious manner.
I have been waiting for the most judicious moment to use them against him.
Was this, we wonder, where the editor did her most judicious pruning?
Not, perhaps, the most judicious thing to do, but some temptations, Roche had learned, he was ill-equipped to resist.
Whether it exercises this right in the most judicious manner at first is quite another case.
But let's not jump to any conclusions, Sergeant," she said in her most judicious voice.
"This might not be the most judicious occasion to argue the point," Data stated with characteristic understatement.