Also, we use straw instead of shavings in the stalls because a local mushroom farmer uses it to grow his mushrooms.
Until recently, there weren't many secrets among the local mushroom farmers.
Because of its intoxicating properties the mushroom farmers had to weed it out from the edible mushrooms.
He managed to "convince" the magic mushroom farmers to cease their production and instead, produce coffee.
However, he left amicable, and took up his dream to become a mushroom farmer.
Parrish, it transpired, was a mushroom farmer and membership secretary of some federation of potholers.
Fort Troyon, for instance, has recently been sold off (for a mere $25,000) to a mushroom farmer.
If the indoor composting operation is successful, it could be a solution to the mounting conflict between mushroom farmers and residents of new bedroom communities.
The son of a mushroom farmer, of Scottish parentage and red-haired, he often plays Scottish roles.
He worked as a mushroom farmer before becoming Foreign Minister in 1992.