His middle name was "Thompson", their mother's maiden name, following the Irish naming practice.
Starting form the time of the Reformation, the Latinized form of their birthplace (Laurentius Petri Gothus, from Östergötland) became a common naming practice for the clergy.
Indonesians do not generally use the Western naming practice of a given first name and a family last name.
Another area in which traditional Korean naming practices clashed with Russian custom was in the use of surnames by married couples.
In the Indian community, traditional Indian naming practices co-exist with influence from the Fijian and European cultures.
The concept of a 'surname' is a relatively recent historical development, evolving from a medieval naming practice called a 'byname'.
The current naming practices in India can be traced to the massive advent of European in India during the 18th century.
There are no official naming practices for this religion, but there does seem to be an informal naming convention, based on academically accepted descriptive definitions, adhered to by groups and most individuals.
The Harbour trust was reorganised in 1978 to form the Port of Melbourne Authority, in line with modern organizational naming practice around the world, although its functions did not change geatly.