"I think the nasty, bully parts of his personality are devastatingly bad for this city," she said.
I've a feeling the truly nasty part of this job's just beginning.
Although it would account for her interest in me* , a nasty part of me poked.
But the nasty part is that a reduction in savings will mean higher interest rates.
A part of her, a small, nasty part, wanted to shrug and walk away.
In other words, she escapes the nasty or difficult parts of life by defining them as taboo subjects.
"I'm just a courier trying to make a living in a quite nasty part of the galaxy, Captain," he said at length.
"I think that's where the nasty part of the plan comes in," Kingsley answered.
They'd located me near the University, down in the low, cold, nasty part of the city.
This will force prices to reflect trading ability, and lock out the nasty part of the problem.