The nearest multiple of 10 that is equal or higher than the sum, is 90.
As a typical example, ceiling(2, 3) would round 2 up to the nearest multiple of 3, so this would return 3 .
Today, when paying in cash, the price must be rounded to the nearest multiple of 10 agorot.
Her underbust girth rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 cm is 90 cm.
In Continental Europe the torso is measured in centimetres and rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 cm.
The Italian band size uses small consecutive integers instead of the underbust circumference rounded to the nearest multiple of 5 cm.
Owner operated businesses often rounded down the net amount to be paid to the nearest multiple of 5 cents.
The factor is then rounded up to the nearest multiple of 5%.
Its nearest multiple is approximately 5.6 degrees dimmer in apparent magnitude.
For example, rounds 2 up to the nearest multiple of 3, giving 3.